So I am one of those....

    So I was running around doing some errands the other day and had to stop at the store for a couple things.  The store was particularly busy, and when I say busy it was like everyone was stocking up for the zombie apocalypse.  I mean they had every cashier working and every lane had a minimum of 4 people in it.  No biggie I am not an impatient person I don't mind waiting.  I mean I do actually have it on good authority ( me) that tomorrow is not the hide in your house, eat rice, never bathe, and fight off zombies day. 

   So while I am in line the lady in front of me strikes up a conversation with a little small talk.  You know like one will tend to do.  I am more than happy to oblige her as I am a social freaking butterfly! 
The conversation went something like this...

Lady "My goodness they need to hire more help."

Me (Slight laugh) " I'm sayin!"

Lady "I really need to get home before my kids do."

Me  "Oh, yeah?"

Lady "Yeah, I took some time off work so I could be home and spend some time with them."

Me "Oh that's nice. What do you do?"

Lady "I am a real estate broker."

Me "Cool."

Lady " I like your tattoos"

Me ( in my ok..that was random.) "thanks"

Lady "what do you do?"

Me "Oh, Im a stay at home mom and a writer."

Lady ( her face just lit up a bit) "Ohhh! That is so great!!!( here it comes...wait for it) What have you published?"
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!

Me  "Well, nothing yet, but I do have a blog of my poetry with a nice little following and hope to have my first book on amazon by the fall."

Lady "Oh so youre not actually a real writer yet. ( yes she stated it. she didn't question it.) Your one of those bloggers."

Me ( now I give my stock answer) "I am just as much a writer as anyone with books on the market.  I mean you wouldn't say I wasn't a mother if my children were adopted would you?"

Lady ( after looking at me for a minute) "Well no, I guess that is true. (by now she has her stuff on the belt and is almost done checking out.) You know I have always wanted to write a book or a story."

Me "You should. You should at least try, because if you don't you will always wonder what if."

Lady ( leaving now)  "You know, I just might.  Nice talking to you."(I was a little miffed she didn't even ask for my blog url).

Me "You too!"

and then flew around the room spreading joy and glitter over everyone!!!!
Ok so the last part isn't true. But really I think, or hope at least that she will not think of me or anyone like me as "one of those".


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