Nimrod, a needed outing

What an amazing day at the Nimrod conference for readers and writers. How lucky am I to get to live where so many diverse authors congregate? Meeting and talking to award winners, beginners, old hats, is nothing less than humbling and inspiring.

There was no conflict, or separation of class, race, or any of the other constraints that tend to push us apart in our every day lives. Only human beings discussing, sharing, and honing their craft. A wonderful exchange between minds and souls that left at least one of those human word crafters rejuvenated,inspired, and honored.

Two of my favorite moments today come from the very eloquent Robin Coste Lewis. We were having our lunch in the great hall and she came in and sat at our table. I was completely and utterly speechless. I tend to get that way around writers. I especially go dumb around poets. I would have no problem approaching any actor, the president,or anyone else, however writers...yeah...I lose it. There is something about an established, recognized author, that just oozes out the case goddess qualities out of their pores. Here she sat, waiting to grace us with some of her word styling and I could do nothing but smile like a daft child. It was this same goddess who earlier said something that stuck inside my heart like a tonic, that seeped and resonated in my soul."I write whatever the fuck I want." Yes, she said a great many other things but this quote and the fact that she talked about moving her stationary bike near her desk...the same thing I just did because as she pointed out writers can become very sedentary. I was also had the privilege of not speaking to Angela Flournoy. ( great writer's block I have got to be more talkative and assertive) Both of these amazing women floored and boosted my inspiration.

I also had the sweet pleasure of dining with Chad Anderson. I did manage to have lovely conversation with Chad. Not sure what clenched my jaw after that. Perhaps I spent all my in game writer coins on that one conversation. Time to level up. At any rate, it was a fabulous day for any writer or reader to have experienced and one I shall cherish for a long time to come.


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