
  I just read a blog post by another  budding author that debated on the question of whether or not one was a true author if they were not published.  This person would say they were not and had never thought of themselves that way.  I say...BULL COOKIES!!!

   I mean look at it this way. Do you think that a mother isn't a mother if she didn't give birth to her children? Yes, of course she is.  She is judged by the amount of passion, love and sacrifice she puts into her children not how they came to her.
That is how I view myself.  I am a writer because I put my love and passion into the written word. It is not a job for me.  It is who I am, it defines me, It is in my blood.   I am sure that when I am on my death bed, hopefully many, many, many, years from now there will still be characters and plots running through my head.  My greatest hope is that if there is a hereafter that I get to be with some of those people I have created.  That, my dear friends would be heaven.

    So if you feel in your soul, in your heart of hearts that you too have ink instead of blood in your veins then do not listen to criticisms that would only tear you down.  Don't fight it, don't deny it, don't try and be something else. Just let it flow. 

I figure the only way I am going to fail is if I stop writing all together.  Will I be known someday? Maybe, maybe not.  But I do know I will be known for trying, by at least a few here and there.


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