Show me the money!!!

   Someone asked me today that age old question.  Would you rather be poor and loved or rich and alone?
I didn't have to think at all.  RICH!!!!!  Yeah you heard me.  And don't get all bleeding heart and philosophical on me gang.   "You're rich if you have friends if not in money in love and spiritualism."  You know who says that??? People who have never experienced hunger or medical troubles, or many of the other things that can plague hard working people, or the very young and inexperienced  I call bullshit! 
A very old woman told me once, back in the day when I was 18 that there are almost no problems that a little money cant solve.  Now since i was at the time very young and let's just call it like it is, freaking stupid, I of course said, ohhh no I would rather have love, and be loved even if I had to wear donated clothes and eat beans and rice. 

  Let me tell you that since making that very inexperienced statement I have struggled a lot in my life( like many people) and sometimes didn't even have beans and rice to eat and things much, much, worse. So If I could retort again back in time somehow ( because I do believe I cursed myself saying this idealistic crap) I would say...."ya know, I think you are right!   
So yeah Ive done the starving loved thing...I would very much like to try the what a bitch she loaded thing for a bit cuz I think I can buy me enough fake friends to follow me around that I won't mind in the least. 

Hmmm, I wonder if the NSA is hiring?

Peace out gang!


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