Bitches be stalking
I know that a lot of people are reeling over this whole stalking the star thing and yes it is horrid and a little bit slasher movie scary that someone would go to such great lengths to find said actor/actress and track them down. What in Hades do they think will happen if they find them? That they'll become best friends, lovers? Do they think they'll laugh it off and go skipping hand in hahd through the meadow away in the distance, drinking sparkling water, eating strawberries and living happily ever after?????? UMMMMM NO.
I will tell you what will happen. They'll skip on down to the poky with a restraining order slapped on them plus possibly a dozen other charges and perhaps nursing several wounds from having their ass kicked by said actor/actress, the police, body guards, spouse of actor/ actress. Who has time for that crap? I mean I barely have time to adore from yahoo's home page, twitter, or Facebook. Seriously...who has time for that???
Speaking of the twat and my face let's bring them in the equation. When a beloved sexy star gets some shit from out of left field, from the crazy patch, well then that just brands all of us, crazy whether we are or not and then when you get branded out come the appalled ones. You know the ones....the fans who would never do annnnyyyyyything like that and just think that the crazies are slimy pond scum! I guess for the most part, they are right, but then they start patrolling on behalf of potential next star on the walk of fame and jumping on everything that is said or done in regards to contact with the untouchable. I always get the feeling that they think, "Man I will be his/her champion and they will hear about it and I will be the hero!" Really? Um, no again. All that does is ruin it for the real fans. You know the ones that come together in fandom social page land to laugh, joke, discuss, laugh some more and just immensely , and healthily praise and nerdily worship all there is to love about the object of their affection.
First off, if stars don't want to be tweeted or interact with fans, because obviously it's always going to happen that there are crazy apples in the fan bushel, control your social pages! Stop the private messages, use the block button, and stop replying to hos and jerk offs who then , because you said, Ha, or thanks , get the idea that you're besties forever. I know it all seems like a fine idea and gosh we so appreciate you interacting back with us...ya know the fans. We do love it and cherish any little tidbits we get from someone so high on the talent chain, but even if you didn't we would still follow you, we would still talk of you and make millions of memes of you, because real fans, sane ones, understand that the lives you lead are so very busy. We understand because we have common sense and also lives of our own.
I am all for etiquette on the net but ya know what..........on my twitter, my Facebook, and my blog...I will interact with whomever I want! I refuse to walk on eggshells because a few bored Norman Bates clones decided that mommy was in their head that day and ...BOOM BOOM OUT GO THE LIGHTS!!!!! I will continue to make jokes, be loud, swoon over whoever I think is hot, talented, neat, kinda cool, or funny, and that is that. It's meant for fun and entertainment and that is how I will use it because...and I really am going to say it again...I am not a nut.
Now I am sure you are gasping in fandom rage at the moment but fear not all is well. I am not , nor are most of the folks I know one of the Mr. Hyde, Mr.Hyde's out there. No Dr. Jekyll is well in control of me and mine and we know when it's time to lock up the potion cuz it might get us in trouble.
So really, be a fan, tweet, say nice thing......hell say sexy things(mildly sexy mind you , keep the language down and no nude selfies , keep the goods covered ), just don't track down them or their families, dogs, neighbors, old roommates, hair dressers, or garbage man. Love them from afar as was meant to be. Be respectful and kind. Karma floats round...even on the internet.
As for you Tinsel Town Troubadours remember, you are the glitter that gets in our eyes and gives us much happiness and entertainment and even a little fantasy in our dreams... that is a lot of power...and with great power comes great responsibility.
Couldn't agree with you more. A point well made that people should listen too.