Real friends

  I don't know very many people these days who don't have their face on some sort of social network. I mean it's almost alien to hear someone go..."I don't really get into that kind of thing. I have a life!"  Ok, I can respect that. I mean to each his own, but, come on.  I mean I totally have a life, an extremely busy life and I don't just sit at my computer and hide away from the world.  Far from it. I take care of a family, I go to writing critique groups...sometimes with something actually written, I go to parties and visit family and battle the weeds that are trying their damnedest to kill my lilies.  I have a few friends brave enough to hang out with me and be interested in my special kind of madness.  I lead a very real and active life. 

However, that being said I do love the virtual and social world of the world wide web.  Good blazing sun in the sky I don't know a writer who doesn't love it now a days.  Think about it. Never has there been a time when meeting people and networking was ever so easy!  I have friends all over the world now and have even traded tweets with a few very famous people.  I even got a couple follows from them.  I can look up homework lessons for my kids, plan a meal, research information for a  book I am writing, keep in touch with family,  and get into a rousing, laughing, good virtual hell raise  with a bunch of gals I love to call my Beautiful Intelligent Tenacious Charismatic Hot Erotic  Sisters.  Oh and I so don't wanna hear they aren't my "real" friends.  To that I say...wake up and smell the virtual coffee. Many is a day that I one of my babes across the globe has gotten me through some crisis, or talked me down from something I couldn't have otherwise made it through.  Now is not a time to be closed minded and shut off.  You just might miss something say Sam Heughan in a kilt...and who would want to miss that? 

So in closing I say this...if you have such and addictive personality that you can't have a life and your social net too then yes by all means stay away. Take up golf, or meditate.  As for me ...I'll be over here...planning what I am doing tomorrow and leading a full happy life that I can share with people round the globe!!!

( and if the starz execs are reading.....a walk on , a walk on, my country for a walk on. )


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