I'll be your Sassenach
I know I am not breaking this news lassies. You know, the news that this hunk of Scottish man-flesh, Sam Heughan, is going to be Jamie In the Starz upcoming television extravaganza of Diana Gabaldon's books!!! Which by the way I would love to thank you for Ms. Diana!
I mean could you just picture this guy as Jamie????? If not then really ....to use an old worn out saying.....bitch talk to the hand!!!!!
I mean katy bar the pub look at those eyes!!!! Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh....you had me with the eyes. Now while im going on and on about all of this I guess I should say that I am a relatively new Outlander obsessed babe, having only discovered them while most of my chic a licious lit chic friends are on their 2nd, 3rd and even 10th read of this saucy series.
There is not a doubt in my mind I will do the same as I have the audio books and the e books and have the hard backs on the way. I am sure I will go over and over it all and recommend to everyone I meet who has any kind of a pulse to read these captivating novels. I am sure I will also continue to discuss and dream of all of the possibilities with the series, and Sam ( sorry but you know Im not the only one fantasizing) .
Now as such things occur and I bond with my wonderful new Sassenach sisters, my heughans heuligans I will again be very defensive of this actor and all that he must endure...good and bad. Because let me tell you that he has been very gracious and a very good sport knowing that we are all out there virtually removing undies and throwing them at our computer screens. Oh and uh hubs if you are getting extra lucky lately and you're wife or girlfriend is a reader....an outlander reader...you should email ole Sam and thank him. Oh come on we look away when you get the new sports illustrated swim suit and get shag crazy on us...give us this one lads.
I would like to say to Sam should he by happenstance run across this, Thank you for being such a good guy and if you would just have the folks in wardrobe shorten that kilt just a wee tad Im sure we would all not need much else for reflection for quite some time!
I mean could you just picture this guy as Jamie????? If not then really ....to use an old worn out saying.....bitch talk to the hand!!!!!
I mean katy bar the pub look at those eyes!!!! Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh....you had me with the eyes. Now while im going on and on about all of this I guess I should say that I am a relatively new Outlander obsessed babe, having only discovered them while most of my chic a licious lit chic friends are on their 2nd, 3rd and even 10th read of this saucy series.
There is not a doubt in my mind I will do the same as I have the audio books and the e books and have the hard backs on the way. I am sure I will go over and over it all and recommend to everyone I meet who has any kind of a pulse to read these captivating novels. I am sure I will also continue to discuss and dream of all of the possibilities with the series, and Sam ( sorry but you know Im not the only one fantasizing) .
Now as such things occur and I bond with my wonderful new Sassenach sisters, my heughans heuligans I will again be very defensive of this actor and all that he must endure...good and bad. Because let me tell you that he has been very gracious and a very good sport knowing that we are all out there virtually removing undies and throwing them at our computer screens. Oh and uh hubs if you are getting extra lucky lately and you're wife or girlfriend is a reader....an outlander reader...you should email ole Sam and thank him. Oh come on we look away when you get the new sports illustrated swim suit and get shag crazy on us...give us this one lads.
I would like to say to Sam should he by happenstance run across this, Thank you for being such a good guy and if you would just have the folks in wardrobe shorten that kilt just a wee tad Im sure we would all not need much else for reflection for quite some time!
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