Too much stuff!!!
I was sitting in my writing chair today, oddly enough not writing at all but watching Hoarders. You've probably seen it. They feature a couple of poor souls on the show whose "collecting" of items, be it trash, or dolls, or pop cans, has gotten way out of control, and exposed their dirty laundry, literally and figuratively on national television. The same thing always happens they make lots of progress and then the patient, if you will goes into withdrawals and as a not so minor freak attack about the stuff that is leaving their domicile. They get a therapist to run to their aid and help them work through whatever issue it is they are having and eurika 30 minutes later the show is over, they're left with a clean and sometimes very fixed up house, and aftercare funds to try and prevent the problem from returning. Well I was watching and found myself being very first. I was that is...