
Showing posts from June, 2013

Too much stuff!!!

    I was sitting in my writing chair today, oddly enough not writing at all but watching Hoarders. You've probably seen it.  They feature a couple of poor souls on the show whose "collecting" of items, be it trash, or dolls, or pop cans, has gotten way out of control, and exposed their dirty laundry, literally and figuratively on national television.       The same thing always happens they make lots of progress and then the patient, if you will goes into withdrawals and as a not so minor freak attack about the stuff that is leaving their domicile.  They get a therapist to run to their aid and help them work through whatever issue it is they are having and eurika 30 minutes later the show is over, they're left with a clean and sometimes very fixed up house, and aftercare funds to try and prevent the problem from returning.      Well I was watching and found myself being very first.  I was that is...

Audio book!

I am so very proud and privileged to have had the honor of working with Jim D. Jordan on his fabulous project. It's an audio book entitled Dracula's Journal. I am the voice of Mina Harker. I have to say it was very interesting and fun doing voice work. I would love to do more! If you would like to purchase said AB please contact me. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  I just read a blog post by another  budding author that debated on the question of whether or not one was a true author if they were not published.  This person would say they were not and had never thought of themselves that way.  I say...BULL COOKIES!!!    I mean look at it this way. Do you think that a mother isn't a mother if she didn't give birth to her children? Yes, of course she is.  She is judged by the amount of passion, love and sacrifice she puts into her children not how they came to her. That is how I view myself.  I am a writer because I put my love and passion into the written word. It is not a job for me.  It is who I am, it defines me, It is in my blood.   I am sure that when I am on my death bed, hopefully many, many, many, years from now there will still be characters and plots running through my head.  My greatest hope is that if there is a hereafter that I get to be with some of those people I have c...

Show me the money!!!

   Someone asked me today that age old question.  Would you rather be poor and loved or rich and alone? I didn't have to think at all.  RICH!!!!!  Yeah you heard me.  And don't get all bleeding heart and philosophical on me gang.   "You're rich if you have friends if not in money in love and spiritualism."  You know who says that??? People who have never experienced hunger or medical troubles, or many of the other things that can plague hard working people, or the very young and inexperienced  I call bullshit!  A very old woman told me once, back in the day when I was 18 that there are almost no problems that a little money cant solve.  Now since i was at the time very young and let's just call it like it is, freaking stupid, I of course said, ohhh no I would rather have love, and be loved even if I had to wear donated clothes and eat beans and rice.    Let me tell you that since making that very inexperienced st...

Hands off my pants!!!!!!

        Apparently in my beloved town there are a couple burglars who are holding people up, robbing them of their cash and valubles and then stealing their pants.  Really?  Ok So let's go over this a little.  Not only do we have criminals who are terrifying people and stealing what they have worked so hard for they then take their pantaloons.  Why?  I get the procuring of the valuables and the money it's useful to spend to trade to buy goods, and in this case probably drugs, or guns.( just a hunch) but then to take the poor victims pants! I mean what in are they accomplishing?  Do the wood be gangsters believe by doing this they are thereby rendering the burglarees helpless?   Because I don't know about you but taking my pants off has never silenced me.  In fact there were several occasions when that actually made me more vocal. (wink, wink)        Perhaps these pants pirates have an addiction...

Xbox heads

   Ok it is a little known fact, or maybe it is, that I love games.  Pc games, xbox games, ps, games.  I have since I can remember.  My kids never have to beg me for consoles because I am just waiting to get one...for them...really.  Ok, so I am chomping at the bit too!  I still own and original xbox and I get it out and play halo and a few other titles in my room.  I also have a 360 and a ps3 but sadly both are injured.  :( sad day for me. Now , now don't feel too bad for me because there are still 3 other 360s in my house that I can, if I look sad enough get to have some time on.  I get the , oh ok mom, I guess since you did birth us we'll let ya play! Yippee!      So after reading this you can probably imagine I was quite elated to get a glimpse of the new Xbox. (ehem)  THE XBOX ONE, (one, one, one,) ( cricket, cricket) and then I read up on the polices and what Microsoft studios CVP had to say about how th...

Yeah that happened!

  Ok, I swore that I would not do a that happened post.  I mean everybody and their blog has one right? Wellllll that was before today.  I was minding my own bees wax typing away trying to get some writing done. Yeah...I just gave up on trying to clean first and then write, because if I do that I never get to write. Soooo enter the screw it attitude.  I mean im never going to get anywhere if I don't slam some manuscript out!  Where was I? Oh right screw it!  I am plugging away passing 1500 words written today( freaking go me!) I was doing good. kids are wrecking the joint but im in the zone and ignoring every distraction.  Every distraction save hand is itching and driving me nuts, but I keep just giving it a scratch and typing away.   I keep on that is until my itch moves.  I look over to see...dun dun dun!!!!! This.................... At first glance I thought OMG FIDDLE BACK!!!!! So I'm hopping round my sofa going get...

No more tornados please!

      I am sure most of you heard about the horrid storms that hit us here in Oklahoma.  I mean if you didn't you are living in a cave sooo come the heck out and catch up. My family and I were very lucky because the Tulsa, Broken Arrow area didn't get hit much.  However there are tons of others who did.  I mean when I say they lost everything that is an understatement.  The thing is once the media goes away people tend to forget and not realize that the pain and struggle is on going for all of these fabulous people.  So I got an idea in my head, I call it pennies for prosperity  My kids and I are going to take a mason jar and fill it with pennies and donate it to the tornado victims.  Doesn't sound like much does it? But just imagine what could be accomplished if everyone donated a jar full of change! Have a killer day all!!!!  

So I am one of those....

    So I was running around doing some errands the other day and had to stop at the store for a couple things.  The store was particularly busy, and when I say busy it was like everyone was stocking up for the zombie apocalypse.  I mean they had every cashier working and every lane had a minimum of 4 people in it.  No biggie I am not an impatient person I don't mind waiting.  I mean I do actually have it on good authority ( me) that tomorrow is not the hide in your house, eat rice, never bathe, and fight off zombies day.     So while I am in line the lady in front of me strikes up a conversation with a little small talk.  You know like one will tend to do.  I am more than happy to oblige her as I am a social freaking butterfly!  The conversation went something like this... Lady "My goodness they need to hire more help." Me (Slight laugh) " I'm sayin!" Lady "I really need to get home before my kids do." Me ...