Dog days of summer

    Can you feel it? I know I can feel it. I can feel it all the way to my bones.   The dog days of summer was something that I heard growing up and never thought I thing about the saying. I was raised in the country and figured it was just something the older folks said in reference to their dogs and how hot it and they would get. What did I know I was a kid. It is not. Well it's mostly not.

   For any of you that might not know the dog days of summer refers to ...and I'll give you the explanation as my dictionary has it because as someone once said, someone else has already written about it better than you so if it ain't broke...

The sultry part of the summer, supposed to occur during the period that Sirius,  the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the sun: now often reckoned from July 3 to August 11.
period marked by lethargy, inactivity, or indolence.


    Now back in the day, and I am talking wayyyyyyy back in the day, the dog days used to coincide with the summer solstice. That is no longer the case because of precession.  Because of precession DDOS now begin on July 3rd and end on August 11th...thereabouts.

    Now I guess you are wondering why I would blog about something like this. Well I will tell you.


 And not in that good sexy way that makes construction workers howl as you walk by!
I am talking I am melting, miserable, moody, H-O-T!!!! 

   Ok, so I am thinking since this is August the 3rd then that only leaves 8 more days until this fresh Hell comes to an end right?   By the constellations, someone, tell me, please, that I can look forward to a decline and the, I can cook my food in the driveway temps?   I say let's meet back here, on 8-11-16 and revisit this issue. Let's take a look and see if the temp has gone down even in the slightest.  Deal?  See you on the 11th to talk about temps. Until then I am sure we can distract ourselves with other subjects. Remember, stay hydrated! 




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