No soup for you!
Top O the mornin..errr afternoon to ya! The air is crisp and I am busy as usual. Busy though I am I just had to come and rant about something I read today on Facebook. It seems that in Utah a group of elementary students had their lunch trays snatched from their hands because their accounts were past due. Yes you heard me. They were served and then had the food taken and thrown in the trash! Now a spokesperson for the school said that they could not see who owed money and who didn't until they were served and that the children were given fruit and milk. Are you flipping kidding me??????
The parents needless to say were livid. As they should be! I mean this mom would have shown up with her bitch on!
I know what you are thinking right now. You are thinking maybe this is one of those Facebook things that just gets passed around that isn't true or is over exaggerated. Well I am here to tell you it is not! I looked it up and this story is all over the place from CNN, to USA Today, to CBS. Here is the link to read about it on CNN's web site.
I was flabbergasted! I really was. I mean I realize that lunch bills have to be paid for ever kid but great Caesar's ghost how in the Hell did this help anyone!?!?!?!? Let's look at it for a moment.
First they are elementary kids......BABIES....not that this behavior would have been OK for any age student but these are little ones. Then there is the fact that they claimed they couldn't see who was delinquint until they were served. Sooooo yank the food, trash it, and then give them fruit and milk. Yeeeeaaahhh, that's not wasteful at all. ( rolling eyes and fuming). I know a few. An apple, or banana, and milk while fine as a snack won't get them through the day.
Someone brought up the fact that the school board or officials ( you know those people who are about as useful as a shit flavored lolly pop) had them do it or be fired. Ok well then you would have damn well had to fire me over it. There were many ways this could have been handled. A note sent home with little Susy telling parents...hey need to get this paid or send her lunch. They could have made a phone call, sent a text, smoke signals, anything !!! Butttttttttt NOOOOOOOOO lets take their food, and not let them eat it, then get out more food and give them that. With as many that go hungry that is an awesome idea. ( going blind from the amount of eye rolling I am doing) I didn't even mention the part about how it must have made those kids feel!
It was asinine, ridiculous, and well idiotic! What kind of meetings must they be having if this is what they come up with.
What would you do if it were your child, or what would you do if you had been a cafeteria worker that day? I know in both instances I would have stood up and fought for the kids. It seems to me that we have let something we should be running( public schools) be taken over by complete retarded, assholes. I can see no other explanation.
I really hope that any other school thinking this is the correct course of action will think better of it after this...if not I do hope the next thing I get to blog is how a group of irate mom's stormed the school!
I do think if you see those responsible out eating dinner somewhere that it'd be worth bribing the waiter a C note to serve them and then go and take their food and replace it with fruit and milk. If you do....don't tell them you got the idea from me. ;)
The parents needless to say were livid. As they should be! I mean this mom would have shown up with her bitch on!
I know what you are thinking right now. You are thinking maybe this is one of those Facebook things that just gets passed around that isn't true or is over exaggerated. Well I am here to tell you it is not! I looked it up and this story is all over the place from CNN, to USA Today, to CBS. Here is the link to read about it on CNN's web site.
I was flabbergasted! I really was. I mean I realize that lunch bills have to be paid for ever kid but great Caesar's ghost how in the Hell did this help anyone!?!?!?!? Let's look at it for a moment.
First they are elementary kids......BABIES....not that this behavior would have been OK for any age student but these are little ones. Then there is the fact that they claimed they couldn't see who was delinquint until they were served. Sooooo yank the food, trash it, and then give them fruit and milk. Yeeeeaaahhh, that's not wasteful at all. ( rolling eyes and fuming). I know a few. An apple, or banana, and milk while fine as a snack won't get them through the day.
Someone brought up the fact that the school board or officials ( you know those people who are about as useful as a shit flavored lolly pop) had them do it or be fired. Ok well then you would have damn well had to fire me over it. There were many ways this could have been handled. A note sent home with little Susy telling parents...hey need to get this paid or send her lunch. They could have made a phone call, sent a text, smoke signals, anything !!! Butttttttttt NOOOOOOOOO lets take their food, and not let them eat it, then get out more food and give them that. With as many that go hungry that is an awesome idea. ( going blind from the amount of eye rolling I am doing) I didn't even mention the part about how it must have made those kids feel!
It was asinine, ridiculous, and well idiotic! What kind of meetings must they be having if this is what they come up with.
What would you do if it were your child, or what would you do if you had been a cafeteria worker that day? I know in both instances I would have stood up and fought for the kids. It seems to me that we have let something we should be running( public schools) be taken over by complete retarded, assholes. I can see no other explanation.
I really hope that any other school thinking this is the correct course of action will think better of it after this...if not I do hope the next thing I get to blog is how a group of irate mom's stormed the school!
I do think if you see those responsible out eating dinner somewhere that it'd be worth bribing the waiter a C note to serve them and then go and take their food and replace it with fruit and milk. If you do....don't tell them you got the idea from me. ;)
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