You gave what?!

   The holidays are upon us! I mean they are practically here! We are just days from Christmas. Oh what, gifts, food, family! Everyone will eat drink and be merry!  We will all have more than we need in the way of gifts and decadent fattening food....or will we?  No, all of us will not have all we need. Many, many people are having a hard time this year and depend on donations of food and toys to get them through Christmas.  Which brings me to something I have thought quite a lot about in the last few weeks as I ventured out from store to store and saw the many collection bins for food items and toys.

    At one particular store I had ample time to stand and study a toy bin for quite sometime while I waited on the rest of my party to get through the massive check out line.  As I stood and studied I could see various games, stuffed animals, dolls, trucks, and even a few video games.  BUT....I also saw things like the dollar version of a barbie know the one...the thin plastic hollow cheap doll that resembles her 10 dollar counter part but is almost transparent if you hold her up to the light, has a bald spot on the back of her head where the hair didn't quite cover it, and ends up literally splitting at the seams.  Oh, there were several of those in there.  Upon more kneeling and gazing into this bin which was made of what looked like a panel for making hog or dog pens, I could see the cheap version of hot wheels, and many, many other knock offs that seemed to give the more pricey toys a run for their money. I would say that the bin was about 50/50 as far as what was in it.  I am now thinking geez who in the hell would buy those dollar dolls or those 50 my wheels fall off the minute you remove me from my package?  I was jarred from my thoughts by my hunting party and informed we needed to get moving. 

    Sooooo off we went to the next hunting ground to search out bargains and find specific things for "Santa" to put under our tree.  As we drove we decided that we were losing daylight and needed to just pick up some goods at the grocery store, call it a day and finish our hunt another day.  We swing into ( insert big chain name here) and head in for some over priced sustenance.  Again I see a bin located near the entrance of the store.  This one is for food and I can't help myself I have to go and see what yummy goodness has been donated so that folks who may not otherwise have a nice triptapan (yes kids it isn't just in turkey) filled holiday dinner  may do so.  I loom over this huge cardboard box like I am the bin donation inspector. I think one woman was convinced seeing me in my combat boots and black leather jacket I was going to snatch myself some canned goods.   My fault as I actually stuck my hands in this one and moved some things around.   I saw tons....and I mean tons of cranberry sauce.  You know the kind, the jellied kind that comes out of the can whole and you slice it up for your guests.  Hey I am not dogging annnnnnyyyyyyyone who likes this stuff I am just not a fan.  I dug a little further and found lots of off, off brand mac-n-cheese, instant potatoes, and beets...lots of beets.   My shopping partner is chomping at the bit and not wanting to know why I am again nosing around in some weird place ( I do this a lot. Hey if I don't check things out, who will?)
so I drop the goods back in the box and go about my business. 

  I thought quite extensively on what I had seen in the donation bins over the next few days and I got a little ticked off.   Why did I suddenly get irritated with what I saw and why should it bother me? Why even write about this?  I will tell you why.  People seem to think that because other human beings are having a hard time that they will be grateful for anything you shove at them.  Whether it is black label beets, or cheap toys that don't even last a day.  It is the beggars can't be choosers and look at me what I did attitude.  I have talked with people on this subject and had several say things such as, "well poor people are probably glad to get anything at all. Those people getting that stuff is like me saving up and getting real barbies and buying food for my family." Umm NO, it isn't.  Someone else said, "If I buy the really cheap stuff I can buy more and help more people." Uhhh and I am sure they are just dying to thank you! 

    Here is the thing people and listen up because I am right and you know it. (wink wink)  People who are down on their luck are no different than anyone who is not down on their luck.  They have dreams and wishes for themselves and their families just like you and I.  They have likes and dislikes and while they are thankful for help would probably not want a basket full of crap for Christmas.( or any other time for that matter)  It is so simple to fix. If you wouldn't buy it, or eat it DON'T DONATE IT! Odds are that junk you would only touch in the event of a zombie apocalypse, yeah that is how the people you are trying to shove it off on feel too.    If you hate beets don't buy them for someone else...I mean if you know someone that likes the blasted things and is in need then by all means buy them...but make it a good brand so they don't come out tasting like the can.  Toys...this is easy...if your kid wouldn't play with it, or ask for it...don't buy it for someone else.  I am not saying you gotta donate xbox ones or anything but have a heart.  There are affordable toys, and there are cheap ass toys.  I asked several kids and you know I know a ton of those lil suckers and they all said they would rather get a couple of nice toys instead of a truck load of  cheap toys.  Think of it like this some child/family will remember the year they got nice things and you are pulling down some major positive energy points and all for the cost of what...doing without a few coffees, or a couple dinners out? better gang. I know I will. surely do my shhhhbangdest to!

   All of these thoughts are my opinion and mine alone. I am not knocking people who are sincerely trying from their hearts to help, but if I offended you then maybe just think about why that is.  Did I hit a nerve?
I hope so because that my minions is the beginning of change.  ( and yes I did donate things...and no they were not junk and I would buy all of it for myself and my family ;0) )
 Now happy holidays and happy shopping!

 Please do not send your great aunt or  granny who just bought 50 one dollar dolls to donate over to my house to run me over with her hover round.



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