Sky net is alive and controlling my printer

It's no secret around my all in one laser printer hates me. I believe this thing was built by sky net and much like the terminator it's mission is to destroy me. Yes, like a cyberdine systems T 101 and Sarah Connor the aio and I are not simpatico.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, " Lady...get a newer one and your problems are solved!" I am here to tell you that this is not a bulky, loud easy to spot, machine. One you could easily avoid and hide from upon hearing it clunk around the corner. No, this is a fresh just months off the line model, that is sleek and very well camouflaged.
He sits quietly waiting for me to interact...or should I say react to it. ( it's very taunting by the way)
My latest battle with this cyborg was over the fact that it insisted I had no black ink left in my cartridge. This could not be further from the truth but said demon is insistent on using my very low colors to print with.
Now after many attempts of reinstalling the cartridges and various things, including but not limited to trying to leave the color cartridges out all together. None of these things prevail, so I do what anyone with wounded pride and Internet access does. I turn to the Internet and a search engine...or as I like to refer to it...Reese. I like Sarah ask Reese what I should do. "Reese" gives me his best answer believing that this is the best hope for me and my kind and then "Reese " freezes up and dies leaving me to deal with the seemingly unstoppable wad of technology on my own.
What advice did "Reese " give me? Well I'll tell you! He said..."Sarah , you must destroy the chips!" Yup you heard me.
It seems that some amateur how to you tuber posted if you remove the bad chips from your ink cartridges that this will in effect stop the cantankerous behavior and make the evil being more compliant and catastrophic disaster is avoided!!!
So grabbing my weapon ( tweezers) I meet this task head on unafraid. Many, many, minutes later I am victorious! A pile of chips lie in front of me and the cartridges are reinstalled!!!!!
Hello printing Mecca!!!
Reaching over I press the power button excited at the anticipation at all of the things I will print now in great harmony and peaceful light!!! Yeah, that was not to be.
The second I touched the power button( actually I swear even before I hit power...remember net)
It laughed like Darkness from legend and flashed this never before seen message in bright red letters...WE ARE AWARE!!!
Yanking the power cord from the outlet I backed away and haven't yet returned to see if it had sent for reinforcements from the future.
I am sure that I will have further battles with the black ink hoarding devil but for now me and mine...we will do the old fashioned thing and put pen to spiral bound, college ruled, tree products, to do our note taking and story writing.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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