Uk all the way!

Most of my close friends know that I really do love all things British. I mean I really, really, think I was British in a former life! I was, I am pretty sure I whispered in the Queen mum's ear at one point in her pre throneship and said, Lizzy, this is gonna be ride! (Ok, ok, so I probably didn't have with Queen Elizabeth or any other queen when they were just wee lassies. ) She was like.... I actually think I have a fascination of a country that is so full of history and so beautifully old. I guess that would be Europe in general. Now don't get me wrong I love my country and perhaps it is the grass is greener syndrome grabbing hold of me and calling me, but we didn't exactly start here did we. Well my ancestors sure didn't and perhaps it could be wanting to follow ones roots. \Were someone called me right now and say, OK we have your passport and you bags are packed you have an all expense paid trip to back p...