Unthought of,unread untold stories from my realm,my mind, my heart, my soul.
Still can't decide
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Well I am still not sure about the whole reposting my writing on here thing. I really want to it was so awesome to hear from people. I did repost some of my poetry on my other blog. So that is a start.
Today I learned of the passing of one of my ildles, Tom Clancy. I was very saddened by this especially seeing his age. He was only 66 years old. Now I realize many people would say, 66! I am not one of those. I do not think 66 is that long in the tooth. However I digress. My ramblings today are not about age in and of itself. My post is more about time, the lack thereof and procrastination. How many times have you sat around and said, I wish it were Friday already, or, I can't wait for Christmas? I myself have said these things before. It's something we just don't think about, just things that everyone says, right? Yes, I suppose they are just those insignificant little things that all of us say now and againg. Little human responses to times in our lives when perhaps we wish for easier days, or happier circumstances. I know that my own mother used to tell me to never w...
I have long been a fan of tattoos. I have several and the ink gods willing I WILL have more. My tattoo journey is a different one that most. I entered into my first tattoo collaboration later than most of my friends and from what I have seen most of the ink bearers in the world. I was well into my adulthood when I first went under the needle. There were many factors in this. Factor number one Pregnancy. Some of you may know that I do have a lot of children. I have them in the double digits and am VERY PROUD to talk about it to whoever will feign an interest in them. Oh yeah...I'm one of those, but i digress. It is this multitude of children who kept my ink dreams at bay. You can't get a tattoo if you are pregnant and or breast feeding. Trust me I tried. ( I know bad mommy, please no judgies) I would wander in shops in different parts of the country over the years and gaze...
I know that a lot of people are reeling over this whole stalking the star thing and yes it is horrid and a little bit slasher movie scary that someone would go to such great lengths to find said actor/actress and track them down. What in Hades do they think will happen if they find them? That they'll become best friends, lovers? Do they think they'll laugh it off and go skipping hand in hahd through the meadow away in the distance, drinking sparkling water, eating strawberries and living happily ever after?????? UMMMMM NO. I will tell you what will happen. They'll skip on down to the poky with a restraining order slapped on them plus possibly a dozen other charges and perhaps nursing several wounds from having their ass kicked by said actor/actress, the police, body guards, spouse of actor/ actress. Who has time for that crap? I mean I barely have time to adore from yahoo's home page, twitter, or Facebook. Seriously...who h...
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