
Showing posts from 2011
Softly spoken she said I have a warriors heart Stiffly she stood I'm not easily torn apart Longingly she listened Howling lone wolf I understand Fondly she remembered The touch of her lovers hand Slowly she rose Surviving rising from ashes Hopful she moved on Taking all life's lashes Exhausted she stops On the earth to lie Deeply she breathed The ends here, here she'll die.

Still can't decide

Well I am still not sure about the whole reposting my writing on here thing.  I really want to it was so awesome to hear from people.  I did repost some of my poetry on my other blog. So that is a start.

There may be hope...

for me to revive this blog after all. I am looking into it.  Which may not matter since I now have almost no followers.  No matter, that is a problem for another day today legal is the bridge we are at so that is the bridge we work to cross.