No soup for you!

Top O the mornin..errr afternoon to ya! The air is crisp and I am busy as usual. Busy though I am I just had to come and rant about something I read today on Facebook. It seems that in Utah a group of elementary students had their lunch trays snatched from their hands because their accounts were past due. Yes you heard me. They were served and then had the food taken and thrown in the trash! Now a spokesperson for the school said that they could not see who owed money and who didn't until they were served and that the children were given fruit and milk. Are you flipping kidding me?????? The parents needless to say were livid. As they should be! I mean this mom would have shown up with her bitch on! I know what you are thinking right now. You are thinking maybe this is one of those Facebook things that just gets passed around that isn't true or is over exaggerated. Well I am here to tell you it is not! I looked it up and this story is all over the p...