Bitches be stalking

I know that a lot of people are reeling over this whole stalking the star thing and yes it is horrid and a little bit slasher movie scary that someone would go to such great lengths to find said actor/actress and track them down. What in Hades do they think will happen if they find them? That they'll become best friends, lovers? Do they think they'll laugh it off and go skipping hand in hahd through the meadow away in the distance, drinking sparkling water, eating strawberries and living happily ever after?????? UMMMMM NO. I will tell you what will happen. They'll skip on down to the poky with a restraining order slapped on them plus possibly a dozen other charges and perhaps nursing several wounds from having their ass kicked by said actor/actress, the police, body guards, spouse of actor/ actress. Who has time for that crap? I mean I barely have time to adore from yahoo's home page, twitter, or Facebook. Seriously...who h...