
Showing posts from February, 2014

Natural or plastic?

"What in the hell are you thinking?!"  Was my guy's reply when I told him I wanted to get a mommy make over.  Now by mommy make over I don't mean new makeup , hair, and clothes. When I say mommy make over I mean tummy tuck, boob lift/augmentation and perhaps even a chemical peel.  He was appalled that I would want to go under the knife to alter my body when it is just fine...according to him.  He went on to say that it was very vain and ridiculous of me since I look so young for my age and I should not be thinking of being put under and carved on, and blah, blah, blah, and a bunch of other stuff that in no way convince my brain that what he is saying is true. ( yeah Im off that way)  OK, so maybe he is partially right but in all fairness isn't he also partially wrong?  Let's dissect shall we? (It is my body, and my self esteem and life and...oh yes sorry..back to dissecting)   I do agree that while one can go too far with the plastic surgery that a ...