
Showing posts from November, 2013


   Well I have survived yet another migraine! (insert holy harp music here)  It is on day two and I am still feeling the after affects of this monster headache which pretty much debilitated me yesterday, and has me dragging ass today.  I was up for probably a total of 2 hours yesterday and that was to take more meds and go to the bathroom.  The minute I was done with said bathroom trips and knocking back another almost useless pill I would slink back into a very, very, dark and quiet room and try to get to sleep. It was at this point that I began to talk to myself like Gollum.  Precious and I discussed how it would be to our relief to just remove my head.  It would work wonders if we could do that. I even grabbed my phone from the bedside table and thought of hitting old Google for guillotine rentals. (261,000 results if you're curious) I did realize I would probably need my head attached in the coming days and would not want to be known round my hood...