
Showing posts from October, 2013

Tis the season!

   It is that time of year again!  No, not Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas!  I am talking the event that all word smiths, tale spinners and wanna bes covet about all other times of the year.  NaNoWriMo, Nationl Novel Writing Month, that time when in the whole month of November participants make a commitment to reach 50 k words and write and entire novel by November's end, and in doing so you can proclaim to the world that you "won".    This is a fabulous opportunity and can be very inspiring. It can also be maddening and frustrating if you focus too much energy on reaching your word count.  My first time out I became very frustrated and very depressed that I was not up to par with my daily word count and by NaNo's closing day had only written 32 K words.   I was so sad I could not shout about winning!  That is until my other half pointed out that I was not seeing the fact that I had written over 30 THOUSAND WORDS IN A MONTH...

The time is now

   Today I learned of the passing of one of my ildles, Tom Clancy. I was very saddened by this especially seeing his age. He was only 66 years old.  Now I realize many people would say, 66!  I am not one of those.  I do not think 66 is that long in the tooth.  However I digress.  My ramblings today are not about age in and of itself.  My post is more about time, the lack thereof and procrastination.      How many times have you sat around and said, I wish it were Friday already, or, I can't wait for Christmas?  I myself have said these things before.  It's something we just don't think about, just things that everyone says, right?   Yes, I suppose they are just those insignificant little things that all of us say now and againg.  Little human responses to times in our lives when perhaps we wish for easier days, or happier circumstances.   I know that my own mother used to tell me to never w...